- No. 12 - February-March 2020
Berlin: On Armed Alert
Whenever possible, Berlin presents itself in armed alert status. German "global policy" shines on the open stage as an altruistic force in global crises more…
- No. 11 - December 2019
Resistance to Berlin
Unrest in Europe because of Germany's expansion of power. Paris warns Berlin and draws closer to Moscow. more…
- No. 10 - October-November 2019
The German "Climate"
For weeks, the Berlin government's "climate" measures have outraged the public by their "half-heartedness," "lack of courage," and "indifference," and it is also reported in the rest of Europe, because of its tenacious insistence on maintaining its pollutant industrial policy. Others also have reckless industrial policies. However, Germany is the world's fourth largest economic power – with a per capita carbon dioxide rate higher than China's per capita rate. more…
- No. 9 - September 2019
Fighting for Germany
Recently a party represented in the German parliament (Bundestag) published its program for the military. The program is not secret. The voters going to the polls in 2 German states on September 1 could know this program. Up to 28 percent of the voters have chosen the party with this program. It wants to further militarize Germany. more…
- No. 8 - July-August 2019
War against China
There is a reflex in Europe that is detrimental to China. It is the downside of the respectful awe at China's vastness, its size, its culture, and statehood. By comparison, Europe appears tiny. The comparison mitigates the error of being incomparable. China is greater. more…
- No. 7 - June 2019
The EU – a “Union of Values”?
Before and after the EU-elections: When the election posters have been taken down and the election commercials are forgotten, what will be left of the promises the EU and its supporters made? Will the EU now become a "union of values"? more…
- No. 6 - May 2019
May '45: Liberation...
Seventy years ago, when the US film director Billy Wilder was shooting a film in the ruins of a vanquished Nazi Germany, Marlene Dietrich dazzled in her shady role as an apparently converted "Frollein," flirting with the US occupiers. more…
- No. 5 - April 2019
Go Vote?
What should we vote for, in the shadow of the eagle, to give the European Parliament a new democratic mandate? more…
- No. 4 - March 2019
Founding Act for Europe: Pančevo
In the spring of 1941, the German eagle flew over the Alps and dug its talons into Pančevo. Yugoslavia was under attack. more…
- No. 3 - February-March 2019
The trauma that kills
There is a German professional group that deserves more attention from all of us – in any case, more than it gets from its employer. more…
- No. 2 - February 2019
"Germany is Our Problem"
As of late, Germany has cast the shadow of the eagle over the entire globe. more…
- No. 1 - January 2019
Worried About Germany
You probably all know the German eagle. Today, it can even be seen on flagpoles in the front yards of private homes. more…