Berlin: In the Underground War against Russia and China
Commentary by Hans-Rüdiger Minow
Poisoning, kidnappings and politically motivated serial murders are nothing new to Germany. They were part of daily life in the post-war period: Terrorist operations - anticipating casualties - against the infrastructure of the German Democratic Republic (GDR), were carried out by a social-democratic-clad underground organization ("Kampfgruppe gegen Unmenschlichkeit" -"Combat Group against Inhumanity") headquartered in the American sector in Berlin. Eastern intelligence services retaliated with kidnappings of anti-communist organizers and with contract killings within the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) - up until the 1980s.
Germany, particularly Berlin, was the hub of the underground war in a murderous struggle between the systems.
Germany has again assumed this status - no longer on behalf of the former rivals, who made use of the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) in the West (including its former Nazi personnel).
Unified Germany is no subcontractor.
Sharing the Spoils
Germany is, in its own right, a rival in the escalating war aimed at world domination - the BND is in nearly all hotspots of German power projection with thousands of informers and agents.
Reflux and screening of the proceeds from espionage is attracting rival espionage services to the political center of the EU hegemon, in the capital Berlin. They seek to share the spoils - with bugging devices, mounted on the roofs of their embassies to ruthlessly penetrate the legitimate protection of the host country's constitutional organs: USA vs. Germany, NSA vs. BND. Other services are proceeding more cautiously. The federal prosecutor is searching for those, among top diplomats of the EU's leading power, who are betraying secrets - loquacious experts of German policy towards Asia: FRG vs. China.
All Sorts of Refuge
In this thicket of open illegality by western friends and suspicion of betrayal of secrets to the advantage of the eastern adversaries, political opponents from the inner circle of both enemy camps are seeking refuge and support, where they can expect potential allies: beyond the limits of their homeland's reach, under the wings of the strategic adversary. Berlin is open for all sorts of refuge.
Special Care
It opens its airspace to white-collar criminals, who fly to Germany in charter planes, following shoot-outs with Montenegrin political criminals, and enjoy, under police protection, German state healthcare in prestigious clinics (such as at the Medical University of Hanover, in February 2020). Individuals can also expect exquisite treatment in Germany, who were injured in insurgency attempts and terrorist attacks, as long as these did not interfere with German global policy hegemonic claims (such as those injured in the massacres during the Ukraine coup, who were treated in Berlin's Charité Hospital, which also covered the costs, March 2013). Anyone, who played a leading role in promoting such a coup, can count on special care by a team of chief physicians in the Charité as a personal guest of the German government (such as the Ukrainian politician Tymoshenko, who was under the aegis of the administrative director, the Federal Office of Criminal Investigation (BKA) and the Federal Intelligence Service (BND), from April 2012 to March 2014).
Radiance in the West
The hegemon's systematic use of the political advantage, provided by the medical pretext, allows dissidents from all milieus, particularly from Russia, to resort to provocative actions. The hegemon considers Europe's East to be its hinterland. Even without the control by rival services, such actions represent an offer that can be accepted or rejected. For radiance in the West, the assertion that one has risked one's life or is being persecuted suffices.
"Freedom of Speech"
Even explicitly vulgar spectacles, whose potential threat to state power are negligible, but represent an assault on the ethical consensus of the majority, are being used with success - in Berlin. When a Russian feminist group appeared, in Moscow blasphemously chanting "the Lord's shit!" "Freedom of Speech," in front of the alter of the central sanctuary of Russian Christians, German parliamentarians were outraged that the group, explicitly named "Pussy Riot," was apprehended (February 2012). The trial that ended with severe punishments was denounced as a "show trial," by the Chair of the Green Party, Claudia Roth, and the Chair of the Left Party, Katja Kipping, spoke of "Putin criminalizing opinion." At the time, a little-known politician of the Russian opposition, Alexei Navalny, also chimed in with his statement. He criticized the "blatant annihilation of justice."
Offer Reciprocated
The distinct echo in the EU hegemon's political center, its capital Berlin, has encouraged the "Pussy-Riot" milieu, to which Navalny has also his ties, to carry out new attacks against the political adversary of Germany's Ostpolitik: Russia.
Disguised as security for the World Cup, the group stormed the Moscow Stadium (July 2018). They interrupted the final, under the loud protests of the Croat players and the French athletes, who were not interested in participating in their "for Peace and Freedom" event. But the action proved a success. It was reported in the media - particularly in Germany.
The expected (15-day detention) sentence had hardly been spoken, when a "Pussy Riot" member complained of a malaise. Shortly thereafter, a plane was readied in Russia, and, once German authorities permitted access to German airspace - which is not done for just anyone - the patient was transferred to the German capital, Berlin. The chartered flight was paid for by a benefactor, whose foundation is headquartered in Berlin and cooperates with the German government.
"We believe that he was poisoned," said "Pussy Riot" about the patient. "A friend of his father, who works in a clinic in Berlin, is said to have offered to do the treatment outside of Russia."
The generous clinic was Berlin's Charité Hospital; the patient was transferred there, where also Yulia Tymoshenko had recovered, under the protection of the BKA.
The offer of the dissidents, who actually risked their lives, was finally used in 2018, yes it was reciprocated - and was useful as a template for future cases.
All or Nothing
Just two years later, it is obvious that the political tremors caused by the "Pussy Riot" actions were simply a harbinger for the enhanced 2020 version, burying alive the dissident Navalny, as an unconscious casualty in the underground war. The participating characters have remained identical, including the benefactor - who also paid for the Navalny charter flight - and his "For Peace and Freedom" foundation located in Berlin, which is no stranger to the German government.
Thus, the affair has reached the level at which the struggle against China has flourished since quite some time. This is not about spending change. This is all or nothing.
The available offers are less favorable in the fight against China. Cultural attacks have been attempted, but were unsuccessful. They were more damaging than beneficial, as they had been in the "Pussy Riot" case.
The artist and dissident Ai Weiwei accepted a visiting professorship and other honors from German officials, where he performed together with the Russian group and at galas sponsored by the foundation for "Peace and Freedom" (November 2015); however, once he criticized the consequences of the Nazi dictatorship in the daily lives of Germans and their xenophobia, he was neutralized as a witness for injustice in his homeland China and thus worthless. He left Germany headed toward Cambridge.
With More Severe Means
Since then, Berlin sees no other way than to apply more severe means to achieve "Peace and Freedom" in China - with Eurocentrism and colonial policy.
The second part will soon follow.
Please take note of our video column "War Against China."