
BERLIN/FRANKFURT AM MAIN (Own report) The largest German opposition party has called for the birth of a new ,,World Ethic". In an actual theme paper by the Values Commission of the Christian Democrat Party (CDU), it is stated that the moral New Order is due to the ,,positive forces"of globalisation. In it the ,,International Social Market Economy"is described as the foundation of a world-embracing moral canon, such as existed in the ,,Roman Empire". By this means, Rome secured the ,,unity of its empire"through the ,,spreading of its superior culture (Leitkultur)". Today Europe and North America were the bearers of this superior culture. The prominent authors wrote that cultural resources must be deployed in a decisive struggle in which the opponent was the third oldest Religion of the Book in world history with which there is ,,unbridgable opposition". It was ,,either the Europeanisation of Islam or the Islamisation of Europe". The launch of the publication coincided with further measures of repression against Muslim religious communities.

The theme paper 1)contains a foreword by the CDU General Secretary. It was launched to the press by Party Chairman Angela Merkel on 13th July. Frau Merkel is the daughter of a Christian clergyman. As she said herself, the new ,,World Ethic" 2)is based on ,,the Christian view of Mankind"and must be raised to a binding norm in all countries ( ,,universally").


Up to now the word in Berlin was that ,,Islamic fundamentalism"was the obstacle. Now, for the first time Islam in its entirety 3)is attacked with a demand for its final surrender. ,,Western culture"could succeed ,,in opening Islam to the universality of the ideal of (Christian) human rights"and the acceptance of the ,,Western model of civilisation"- thus wrote the largest German opposition party. The values of ,,The West"are ,,drafted on a globally valid basis"and correspond to the ,,European-American understanding of policy". The CDU promises that whoever, in non Christian cultures, bows down to this understanding can attain to be ,,a participant"in the ,,International Social Market Economy". In this way ,,a world-wide alliance for freedom, human rights and an International Social Market Economy"would arise.


The religiously excessive attack on the Islamic resource states is matched by corresponding repression in German internal policy. Following wilful restrictions of religious freedom at a Muslim school in Bonn, two hundred German officials searched a Muslim place of worship in Frankfurt am Main this week. The police, who forced an entry into the Taqwa mosque, ,,combed through" 4)the rooms, as the Berlin government expressed it in military jargon. The cause of this large operation was information by a woman, who said she had heard from a schoolgirl that she had seen a so far unidentified video in the cultural centre which might have contained scenes of violence.

In German school yards and public video stores, hundreds of thousands of videos, DVDs and photographs with violent scenes of all sorts are sold or exchanged daily without being seen as grounds for entry by the responsible legal authorities. At present, right-wing extremist organisations are publicly preparing to distribute a propaganda CD in German schools. The CD contains neo-Nazi music and aims to recruit new members for Neo-Nazi organisations which are ready to commit acts of violence.

1) Globalisierung - Herausforderung an die politische Handlungsfaehigkeit. Wertekommission der CDU Deutschlands 13.07.2004
2) Gegen die Islamisierung Europas. CDU-Papier über die Folgen der Globalisierung - Merkel spricht von ,,Weltethos". Die Tagespost 15.07.2004
3) Globalisierung - Herausforderung an die politische Handlungsfaehigkeit. Wertekommission der CDU Deutschlands 13.07.2004
4) Grossrazzia in marokkanischer Moschee; die tageszeitung 13.7.2004
