Centralisation and Decentralisation

BERLIN/BRUSSELS Regionalisation within the EU, resulting from German policy, gains further impetus from the new constitution. The proposed constitution strengthens the role of the regions as ,,basic structures". Just as the decentralisation of other EU states is being driven forward, Germany is preparing further centralisation of its state apparatus to strengthen ,,Germany's capability to act".

The Centre for Applied Political Research (CAP), a highly influential German think tank which works closely with the German Foreign Office, believes that the regions are coming into a key position. From this they can legitimately demand comprehensive integration into the EU decision-making process. The strategists of Berlin's world-power ambitions 1)believe that the new constitution goes a long way towards giving ,,the regional dimension additional and previously unhoped-for momentum".

,,More bite"for the regions

In particular the position of the Committee of the Regions (CoR) is strengthened as ,,the collective representation of the interests of all regions and local, district corporations"- one of the most important instruments of regionalisation according to German guidelines. In article 1 part 5 of the proposed constitution, local and regional self-government are designated as part of the ,,basic structures"which must be respected by the EU. In article 1 part 3 the value of ,,cultural and liguistic diversity"( ,,The principal prop of regional identity") is brought to the fore. For the first time the Committee of the Regions is given the right of bringing prosecutions before the European Court of Justice (ECJ). The Centre for Applied Political Research claims that the regions have acquired ,,more bite"with their new powers and that they should continually strive to strengthen their position.

The German strategists are counting on increased influence for the German ,,Laender"(provinces). The provinces coordinate in their ,,European Ministers Conference"their europolitical activities. Besides the Committee of the Regions they form a new Interest Group ( ,,Regions with Law-Making Powers", RegLeg for short). RegLeg combines the strongest regions of the EU under one roof - all the regions in Germany, Belgium, Austria, Spain, Italy and Great Britain which have far-reaching powers over internal policy and legislation. Regions of most of the larger member states belong to this body. The CAP demands that this big-hitting group should be brought more closely into the work of the CoR.

,,Reform for Germany's capability to act"

In the meantime events are underway to bind the sixteen German provices more tightly to central political direction from Berlin. 2)With the agreement of all factions, a federal commission of both houses of parliament has been instituted for ,,the modernisation of the order of the federal state". The commission should report by the end of next year and is expected to cut the influence of the provinces by alterations to the constituion before the end of next year ,,so that Germany may be better and more simply governed".

The Bertelsmann Foundation (which cooperates with the CAP) and the party political foundations 3)are meanwhile making demands that the provinces should in return be made more autonomous in financial matters as ,,International Centres of Competitiveness". Acting on their own responsibility they could be stronger than before in competing for the favours of big business. It is claimed that this will give  more beneficial conditions for the German economy in international competition.

1) See also earlier article ,,Downfall or ascent to world power"
2) See also earlier article ,,Encrusted"German Constitution to be Centralised
3) See also earlier article ,,The Most Effective Instruments of German Foreign Policy"

Regionen und die Zukunft Europas; www.cap.uni-muenchen.de
Die Rolle der Regionen mit Gesetzgebungskompetenzen im Konventsprozess; www.europaminister.de
Conference of European regions with legislative power (REGLEG); www.regleg.org
Handlungsfaehiger Foederalismus erfordert mutige Reformschritte; www.bertelsmann-stiftung.de
Bundestag setzt Foederalismus-Kommission ein; Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 17.10.2003
