
HAMBURG (Own report) Because Prime Minister Sumaye of Tanzania refused to participate in the opening of the colonialist ,,Tansania Park,"his reception by the German harbor metropolis Hamburg took place, instead, at an associated event. The high-ranking delegation from Tanzania had to limit its stay in Germany to a visit of the International Horticultural Exhibition and talks with relief organizations. The ,,Tansania-Park"displays monuments of the Nazi era which extol German colonial rule in East Africa.

The dedication of the ,,Tansania-Park,"which had been intended as the central event in the program of Sumaya's visit, had been sharply criticized earlier. 1) ,,Unsuspecting visitors to this site,"according to a letter of protest, ,,could receive the impression that the relationship of the German Federal Republic with the Republic of Tanzania is not so different than that of the former German Empire to its colony 'German-East Africa'."After the refusal of Tanzania's head of government to participate in paying honor to the former German colonial rule of his country, Hamburg's officials fobbed off their guest with a meager ,,associated program."

Raw materials and agricultural products

According to Berlin, Tanzania which under the colonial policies of the German Empire served primarily as supplier of raw materials and agricultural products, as well as a market for German goods, maintains ,,friendly"relations with the former colonial power. Germany is not only one of the main customers of Tanzanian goods (raw materials and agricultural products) but also the largest customer of coffee, Tanzania's most important export. A strategy document of the Foreign Office describes Tanzania ,,as being increasingly significant not only as a market but also as a supplier of raw materials, particularly agricultural products." 2)

,,Detailed knowledge"

Besides, Tanzania has been a focal point of German development aid for quite some time. The ,,Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit"(GTZ - German association for technical cooperation) which has operated in the East African state for more than 20 years, professes to have ,,detailed knowledge of the country."One of the focal points of Berlin's activities is the financing of the water supply which, after the privatization demanded by the International Monetary Fond, promises immense profits during the following years. The water management of the largest Tanzanian metropolis, Dar es Salaam, was awarded to a consortium with the German company H.P. Gauff Ingenieure (Frankfurt/Main) after winning out over two French competitors.

1) See also German-East Africa
2) Aussenpolitische Strategie für die Region Ostafrika. Auswaertiges Amt Referat 304; Berlin 24.05.2002

Deutschland hilft in Tansania bei der Armutsbekaempfung; Pressemitteilung des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung 21.02.2003
Gerhard Klas: Wer graebt den Armen das Wasser ab? Unter dem Druck von Weltbank und IWF uebernehmen westliche Konzerne die Wasserversorgung in Tansania. Der Preis ist hoch; netzwerk-regenbogen.de 30.03.2003
Tansania feiert Nationentag auf der IGA; Pressemitteilung IGA 2003 07.09.2003
