A Dirty Little Secret

WASHINGTON/BERLIN/PARIS (Own report) - American military circles are recommending a re-organization of all nations in the Middle East along ethnic lines. Loss of territory and drawing new borders will effect Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran and Pakistan among others. Through the complete dissolution of states, new actors will be created in international law, along the lines of ethnic and religious affiliation. According to this plan, a country, by the name of "Free Kurdistan" will be created, three times the size of Syria, from territory taken from today's northern Iraq and eastern Turkey. The remainder of Iraq will be divided, the capital, Baghdad, smashed. Iran would lose extensive areas of its coast, as well as, territory bordering on Pakistan, where a "Free Baluchistan" is to be founded. Mekka and Medina, until now located in Saudi Arabia, will be promoted to capitals of an "Islamic Sacred State," that will extend to the southern borders of Jordan - doubling the surface of the Hashemite territory ("Greater Jordan"). This ethnic re-organization is depicted on several US maps, that the historian Dr. Pierre Hillard (Paris) has now published in France. In his talk with german-foreign-policy.com Hillard deems that "German policy plays an important role in propagating these ideas". German-foreign-policy.com publishes, for the first time in Germany, the US cartography.

Recommendations for a complete overthrow of the prevailing state order were published in the "Armed Forces journal" (AFJ, June 2006) a magazine of the "Army Times Publishing Company". This enterprise publishes at least ten military magazines (including "Army Times" and "Navy Times") and is owned by the Gannett Media Group (Virginia, USA). In a self-portrait, the operational income of the group, to which the well-known daily, "USA Today" is also affiliated, figured at US $7.6 billion in 2005.[1]


Under the title "Redrawing the Middle East Map" the "Armed Forces Journal" shows its readers two maps with identical territorial outlines, with one ("before") showing the current border situation to then develop the future ("after") image of the Middle East. According to the accompanying article, the Muslim world is in a situation generating hatred and violence, in part as a consequence of its colonial heritage and partially due to its own fault, which can only be corrected with radical border alterations. The redrawing of the boundaries would have to follow ethnic affinities and religious communalism, writes the author Ralph Peters, a retired military officer.[2] Peters makes no secret of the fact that he has experience in the field of intelligence.[3] According to information gleaned by german-foreign-policy.com, Peters last visited Baghdad in the spring of 2006.


The cartography published under Peters' name, recommends the break-up of the current Saudi Arabia, which must accept the largest loss of territory. This radical transformation is explained with the political situation of the Saudi rulers, who are not only "one of the world's most bigoted and oppressive regimes" [4] - but also that their "vast oil wealth" is completely "unearned." To obtain "true justice", according to the "Armed Forces Journal," the oil fields today on the southwest Saudi coast, must be assigned to Yemen. But not just Saudi control over resources, Riyadh's religious influence over the holy sites (Mekka and Medina) is also to be weakened. Therefore, what had been the prophet Mohammed's area of activity are to be administered by an "Islamic Sacred State," which will have an enormous territory, but no continuous central government - since it will be ruled by a rotating council representative of the world's major Muslim schools and movements.


The US military author offers the Kurdish separatists of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran a hundred percent territorial surplus. These states will lose substantial chunks of territory to the chimera, "Free Kurdistan", whose founding can no longer be postponed. "A Free Kurdistan, stretching from Diyarbakir (Turkey) through Tabriz (Iran), would be the most pro-Western state between Bulgaria and Japan," are the benevolent motives behind the territorial amputation of several UN member states as described in the "Armed Forces Journal".


In order to wrest control over the Persian Gulf and its wealth in oil from Iran, the entire coastal flank of the country would go to a not yet founded partial state of the former Iraq. In this way, both opponents to the presumption of western rule, will be deprived of the material basis of their autonomy, around which, they must compete against each other. Whereas Iraq will have ceased to exist, Iran would lose a great deal of territory to Unified Azerbaijan, Free Kurdistan, the Arab Shia State and another chimera (a "Free Baluchistan"), but would gain the provinces around Herat in today's Afghanistan.

New perspectives

As the French historian, Pierre Hillard, judges, this ethnicist aggression, carried out by western powers, is being decisively promoted through the foreign policy of Germany. Hillard refers to continuous efforts by German front organizations, seeking to "remodel the Middle East," [5] and in this connection, mentions specifically the activities of the Bertelsmann Foundation. The foundation annually organizes forums ("Kronberg Talks") on the Middle East, where discussions center around a "complete transformation of the political, economic and religious Institutions" of the Muslim resource states - with the objective of "coupling them to the Euro-Atlantic axis," Hillard explained in an interview with german-foreign-policy.com. As is recorded in the minutes of this year's "Kronberg Talks" [6], the "progressive increase of European presence in the region" should be combined "with American assertiveness." This reference links diplomatic and subversive measures ("minority rights") to war threats. At one of the previous Bertelsmann's forums, it had been demanded that the "regional administrative and natural borders lose their significance as quickly as possible, so that new perspectives can be opened".[7]


The reapportionment of entire state systems is not unknown to Bertelsmann. Thus, on the eve of the (1999) aggression against Yugoslavia, the foundation recommended "the ethnic principle" [8] and the mobilization of ethnic groups against Belgrade - genetically defined minorities with claims to territorial rights. Bertelsmann, in 1996, likewise proposed an ethnic partition plan for Hungary, Romania, Russia and the northern Caucasus.[9] Similar to the propositions contained in the "Armed Forces Journal" several UN member states are being threatened with the loss of their existence, as nation-states. The author at Bertelsmann bases himself on the allegedly "unnatural" drawing of the borders and stakes claims to bogus tribal rights of ethnic communities.


The ethnicist aggression in German political policies can be traced back to Bismarck. Whereas theoreticians, at that time, postulated the constant "flowing" of national borders, to follow the biological course of tribal and "ethnic groups", today, the "Armed Forces Journal" claims that "borders have never been static".[10] Because of "unnatural" territorial demarcation, borders "especially now" are changing their contours, writes the American military author: "from the Congo through Kosovo to the Caucasus". Concerning the means used to bring this about, information is readily provided. One can divulge a "dirty little secret from 5,000 years of history: Ethnic cleansing works."[11]

Click here to view the documents containing the US maps.
Please read also the Interview mit Dr. Pierre Hillard.

[1] Gannett Co. Company Profile; www.gannett.com/about/company_profile.htm 08.09.2006
[2] Ralph Peters: Blood Borders. How a better Middle East would look; Armed Forces Journal Juni 2006
[3] Real Clear Politics; Author Archive 08.09.2006
[4] Ralph Peters: Blood Borders. How a better Middle East would look; Armed Forces Journal Juni 2006
[5] Please read also the Interview mit Dr. Pierre Hillard.
[6] Europa und der Nahe Osten; 10. Kronberger Gespräche, 14.-15.07.2006. English: www.cap.lmu.de/download/2006/ 2006_europe-and-the-middle-east.pdf
[7] Please read also the Interview mit Dr. Pierre Hillard.
[8] Walter von Goldendach, Hans-Rüdiger Minow: Von Krieg zu Krieg. Die deutsche Außenpolitik und die ethnische Parzellierung Europas, München 1999, S. 206.
[9] Georg Brunner: Gutachten über Nationalitätenprobleme und Minderheitenkonflikte in Osteuropa, Bertelsmann, Reihe Strategien für Europa, Gütersloh 1996
[10] Ralph Peters: Blood Borders. How a better Middle East would look; Armed Forces Journal Juni 2006
[11] Im englischen Original: "Oh, and one other dirty little secret from 5,000 years of history: Ethnic cleansing works."
