Cannons instead of butter (II)

BERLIN/BRUSSELS A high-ranking social democrat demands an increase in military spending and a further reduction of support for civilian programs within the EU. Instead of subsidizing food stuff, Europe should invest in arms, according to an interview with the head of the department ,,International Political Analysis"of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (or foundation, FES). Thus, according to Dauderstaedt, head of the FES Department, 46 billion Euro would benefit the arms industry, which in turn would create jobs and result in ,,more social justice."The SPD's shrill and bellicose tone promotes further competition for funding within the European Union which, in spite of bureaucratic resistance, follows German instructions.

Upon being questioned whether ,,more money"should be spent ,,for armaments and less for agriculture" 1), Michael Dauderstaedt answered, in behalf of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation: ,,Correct! Cannons instead of butter. In 2002, the EU spent around 46 billion Euro in the agrarian sector. This is a socially unjust and regressive policy which, in the final analysis, harms the poor". The social democrat suggests that ,,the money would be better invested in the development of armaments", because ,,armaments create new products and technology."

Urgently needed

The statements are counter to the interests of the Mediterranean countries because their agrarian production would collapse without EU subsidies. In addition to France and Italy, Greece and Spain are also recipients of subsidies. Partially in agreement with, partially in opposition to France, Berlin has been attempting to siphon off these EU funds and inject them into German industry. 2)It is there that subsidies are urgently needed to stave off shrinking production or for compensation. Berlin, together with Paris and allied states, including Belgium and Luxembourg, engage in similar endeavors to benefit themselves ( ,,European growth initiative").

Unequal, unfair

The EU policy of the German government leads to greatly disproportionate economic burdens and arouses resistance in the European Union. Berlin and Paris regularly obtain competitive advantages because they delay, or do not implement EU directives. Bolkestein, EU internal market commissioner, advises that Germany and France have not yet implemented 3.5% of the current codes which constitutes the largest share within the EU. 3)The German-French action is considered ,,unfair vis-à-vis the member states which manage to expedite their laws in time,"according to the Dutch EU commissioner's report concerning the resolute behavior of the German-French EU ,,directorate".

Without prospects

Remarks by critical sectors of the EU bureaucracy, which for the most part are representatives of the states disadvantaged by Germany, are considered of minor significance to Berlin. Thus the announcement of Spanish EU Commissioner Solbes, that action will be brought against Berlin and Paris to punish the breach of the stabilization pact is parried with new threats. Berlin declares that it would have been more ,,helpful to avoid a confrontation"with the EU organizations. The German press accuses the president of the EU Commission, Prodi, of a ,,mistaken comprehension of his office and autistic-chaotic management."The German edition of the Financial Times observes about the prospects of the adversarial EU bureaucracy, that ,,in the EU political success is only possible for whoever has the chiefs of government of Germany and France on his side."

Open preparations for war

The breach of the stabilization pact, criticized by Solbes, has facilitated Berlin's intention to keep the German military budget constant and increase it by almost one billion Euro in three years. 4)The financial proposals by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation ( ,,cannons instead of butter") point in the same direction. In addition, they increase the political gravity of those options which will enable them to escape the manifestations of economic crises by openly preparing for war.

1) Mehr Waffen; Maerkische Allgemeine 14.01.2004,
2) See also earlier article ,,Augean Stables"
3) Binnenmarkt: Grosse Unterschiede zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten bei der Umsetzung und Anwendung der Vorschriften; Pressemitteilung der Europaeischen Kommission 12.01.2004.
4) See also earlier articles In Love - War, Background Report: The German Armed Forces heading toward taking the offensiveand Plans for action

See also earlier article The price of expansion

EU-Richter sollen Machtkampf ueber Defizite entscheiden; reuters 13.01.2004
Kolumne: Mit Juncker auf Nummer sicher; Financial Times Deutschland 15.01.2004
