,,Annexation of Poland"

KRAKOW Whilst the Berlin government was celebrating the signing of the new EU accession treaty, criticism was growing in several of the affected countries. In a publication by Polish trade unionists it is expressed thus ,,The accession of Poland to the EU should not be called integration but annexation". The authors belong to the founding members of the first ,,Free Trade Union"in Poland and themselves worked during the 1980s to orientate Poland towards the West.

,,A colonised state"

The trade union manifesto asserts that the ,,conditions for the entry of Poland into the EU"show ,,that Poland is not regarded as a partner but as a colonised state. Furthermore integration will increase the existing discrepancies in economic development". The Polish people ,,should not allow itself to be blinded by one-sided propaganda"and should vote against the entry of Poland to the EU in the referendum to be held in June.

,,Closing down sale"

An agricultural expert, who was sent from Berlin to Warsaw as an ,,EU adviser"to ,,assist"in the ,,reshaping"of Polish agriculture, has issued a warning. This adviser has now been relieved of his duties because of his criticism. He reckons that there will be an enormous disposal of Polish agriculture to foreigners. Only around one fifth to a quarter of present farms and enterprises can be counted as ,,capable of survival"in the medium term.

,,In the interest of Germany"

This critic of the EU believes that he is threatened with disciplinary procedure by the German authorities. ,,The accession of Poland was in the interest of Germany and therefore I had to be recalled", he said.

See also earlier articles Chancellor keeps mum on Polish contributions, Stoiber turns on Polandand Poland rejects Stoiber's demands

Poland facing the EU Referendum: Catastrophe for Polish small Farmers? Interview with Carl Belderman Junge Welt 14/1/03
,,Poland will be treated as a colony, not as a partner". Legendary representatives of the first Solidarity Movement speak out against Poland's Accession to the EU; Deutsche Welle Monitor East/South Eastern Europe 24/3/03
